
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-get-special-nested-level-items-from-dictionary/



输入:{“Gfg”:{“n1”:3,“nd2”:{“N2”:6 } },“is”:{“ne1”:5,“ndi 2”:{“ne2”:8,“ne22”:10 } },K = 2 输出:{“N2”:6,“ne2”:8,“ne22”:10 } 解释:提取第 2 个嵌套项。

输入:{“Gfg”:{“n1”:3,“nd2”:{“N2”:6 } },“is”:{“ne1”:5,“ndi 2”:{“ne2”:8,“ne22”:10 } },K = 1 输出:{“n1”:3,“ne1”:5 } 解释:提取第一个嵌套的元素。

方法:使用 isinstance() + 递归

这是执行这项任务的方法之一。在这种情况下,我们为内部嵌套执行所需的递归,isinstance 用于区分 dict 实例和其他数据类型,以测试嵌套。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Get particular Nested level Items from Dictionary
# Using isinstance() + recursion

# helper function

def get_items(test_dict, lvl):

    # querying for lowest level
    if lvl == 0:
        yield from ((key, val) for key, val in test_dict.items()
                    if not isinstance(val, dict))

        # recur for inner dictionaries
        yield from ((key1, val1) for val in test_dict.values()
                    if isinstance(val, dict) for key1, val1 in get_items(val, lvl - 1))

# initializing dictionary
test_dict = {"Gfg": { "n1": 3, "nd2": { "n2": 6 }}, 
             "is": { "ne1": 5, "ndi2": { "ne2": 8, "ne22": 10 } }}

# printing original dictionary
print("The original dictionary is : " + str(test_dict))

# initializing K
K = 2

# calling function
res = get_items(test_dict, K)

# printing result
print("Required items : " + str(dict(res)))


原始字典为:{'Gfg': {'n1': 3,' nd2': {'n2': 6}},' is': {'ne1': 5,' ndi2': {'ne2': 8,' ne22': 10} } 必填项:{'n2': 6,' ne2': 8,' ne22 ':10 }