Python | getattr()方法


Python getattr() 函数用于访问对象的属性值,还提供了一个在密钥不可用时执行默认值的选项。

语法: getattr(obj,key,def)


  • obj : 需要处理属性的对象。
  • 键:对象的属性
  • def : 找不到属性需要打印的默认值。

如果值可用,则返回:对象值,如果属性不存在,则返回默认值 ,如果属性不存在,且未指定默认值 ,则返回属性错误。

getattr()在 Python 中的工作原理

示例 1: 演示 getattr()的工作

Python 3

# Python code to demonstrate
# working of getattr()

# declaring class
class GfG:
    name = "GeeksforGeeks"
    age = 24

# initializing object and
# python getattr() function call
obj = GfG()

# use of getattr
print("The name is " + getattr(obj, 'name'))

# use of getattr with default
print("Description is " + getattr(obj,
                                  'CS Portal'))

# use of getattr without default
print("Motto is " + getattr(obj, 'motto'))


The name is GeeksforGeeks
Description is CS Portal


AttributeError: GfG instance has no attribute 'motto'

示例 2: 找不到命名属性时的 getattr()

Python 3

# Python code to demonstrate
# working of getattr()

# declaring class
class GfG:
    name = "GeeksforGeeks"
    age = 24

# initializing object
obj = GfG()

# use of getattr without default
print("Gender is " + getattr(obj, 'gender'))


AttributeError: 'GfG' object has no attribute 'gender'

示例 3:性能分析和带参数的 getattr python

Python 3

# Python code to demonstrate
# performance analysis of getattr()
import time

# declaring class
class GfG:
    name = "GeeksforGeeks"
    age = 24

# initializing object
obj = GfG()

# use of getattr to print name
start_getattr = time.time()
print("The name is " + getattr(obj, 'name'))
print("Time to execute getattr " + str(time.time() - start_getattr))

# use of conventional method to print name
start_obj = time.time()
print("The name is " +
print("Time to execute conventional method " + str(time.time() - start_obj))


The name is GeeksforGeeks
Time to execute getattr 5.0067901611328125e-06
The name is GeeksforGeeks
Time to execute conventional method 1.1920928955078125e-06

示例 4: getattr Python 默认值

Python 3

# Python code to demonstrate
# working of getattr()

# declaring class
class GfG:
    name = "GeeksforGeeks"
    age = 24

# initializing object
obj = GfG()

# use of getattr without default
print("Motto is " + getattr(obj, 'motto'))


AttributeError: 'GfG' object has no attribute 'motto'

示例 5: Python getattr()函数调用

Python 3

# Python code to demonstrate
# working of getattr()

# declaring class
class GfG:

    def __init__(self, name, age): = name
        self.age = age

    def call(self, x):
        print(f"{} called with parameters '{x}'")

# initializing object
obj = GfG("Vivek", 10)



<__main__.GfG object at 0x0000023C1ED92748>
<class '__main__.GfG'>
<bound method of <__main__.GfG object at 0x0000023C1ED92748>>
Vivek called with parameters 'arg'

结果:常规方法比 getattr()花费的时间少,但是当在缺少属性的情况下必须使用默认值时,getattr()是一个不错的选择。

应用程序:getattr()有许多应用程序,其中一些已经在缺少对象属性的情况下提到过,在 web 开发中,一些表单属性是可选的。在机器学习特征收集的情况下也很有用,以防某些特征有时在数据收集中丢失。