
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-filter-row-不带空格-strings/



输入:test _ list =[[“gfg 是”、“最好的”]、[“gfg”、“好的”]、[“gfg 很酷”]、[“爱”、“gfg”]] 输出:[‘gfg’,‘好的’]、[‘爱’,‘gfg’]] 解释:两个列表都有字符串没有空格。

输入:test _ List =[[“gfg 是”、“最好”]、[“gfg”、“好”]、[“gfg 是酷”]、[“爱”、“gfg”]] 输出:[“‘爱’、‘gfg’] 解释 : List 有字符串没有空格。

方法一:使用 列表理解 + 任意()+regex

在这种情况下,我们使用正则表达式检查每个字符串中是否没有空格,使用 any()检查是否有空格,该行不会被添加。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Filter rows without Space Strings
# Using list comprehension + any() + regex
import re

# initializing list
test_list = [["gfg is", "best"], ["gfg", "good"],
             ["gfg is cool"], ["love", "gfg"]]

# printing original list
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# checking for spaces using regex
# not including row if any string has space
res = [row for row in test_list if not any(
    bool("\s", ele)) for ele in row)]

# printing result
print("Filtered Rows : " + str(res))


原列表为:[['gfg is ',' best'],['gfg ',' good'],['gfg is cool'],['love ',' gfg']] 过滤行:['gfg ',' good'],['love ',' gfg']]

方法 2:使用 滤镜()+lambda+any()+regex

在本例中,我们使用 filter()和 lambda 函数执行过滤任务,其余所有功能都与上述方法类似。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Filter rows without Space Strings
# Using filter() + lambda + any() + regex
import re

# initializing list
test_list = [["gfg is", "best"], ["gfg", "good"],
             ["gfg is cool"], ["love", "gfg"]]

# printing original list
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# checking for spaces using regex
# not including row if any string has space
res = list(filter(lambda row: not any(bool("\s", ele))
                                      for ele in row), test_list))

# printing result
print("Filtered Rows : " + str(res))


原列表为:[['gfg is ',' best'],['gfg ',' good'],['gfg is cool'],['love ',' gfg']] 过滤行:['gfg ',' good'],['love ',' gfg']]