
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-过滤-文本-使用-附魔/

Enchant是 Python 中的一个模块,用于检查单词的拼写,给出纠正单词的建议。同时,给出了单词的反义词和同义词。它检查字典中是否有一个单词。

Enchant还提供了 enchant.tokenize 模块对文本进行标记化。标记化包括从正文中拆分单词。但有时并不是所有的单词都需要进行标记。假设我们正在进行拼写检查,那么通常会忽略电子邮件地址和网址。这可以通过使用过滤器修改令牌化过程来实现。 目前实施的过滤器有:

  • 电子邮件过滤器
  • URL filter(URL 过滤)
  • WikiWordFilter

示例 1 : 电子邮件过滤器

# import the required modules
from enchant.tokenize import get_tokenizer
from enchant.tokenize import EmailFilter

# the text to be tokenized
text = "The email is"

# getting tokenizer class
tokenizer = get_tokenizer("en_US")

# printing tokens without filtering
print("Printing tokens without filtering:")
token_list = []
for words in tokenizer(text):

# getting tokenizer class with filter
tokenizer_filter = get_tokenizer("en_US", [EmailFilter])

# printing tokens after filtering
print("\nPrinting tokens after filtering:")
token_list_filter = []
for words in tokenizer_filter(text):


不过滤打印令牌: [('The ',0)、(' email ',4)、(' is ',10)、(' abc ',13)、(' gmail ',17)、(' com ',23)]

过滤后打印令牌: [('The ',0)、(' email ',4)、(' is ',10)

示例 2 : URLFilter

# import the required modules
from enchant.tokenize import get_tokenizer
from enchant.tokenize import URLFilter

# the text to be tokenized
text = "This is an URL:"

# getting tokenizer class
tokenizer = get_tokenizer("en_US")

# printing tokens without filtering
print("Printing tokens without filtering:")
token_list = []
for words in tokenizer(text):

# getting tokenizer class with filter
tokenizer_filter = get_tokenizer("en_US", [URLFilter])

# printing tokens after filtering
print("\nPrinting tokens after filtering:")
token_list_filter = []
for words in tokenizer_filter(text):


不过滤打印令牌: [('This ',0)、(' is ',5)、(' an ',8)、(' URL ',11)、(' https ',16)、(' www ',24)、(' geeksforgeeks ',28)、(' org ',42)]

过滤后打印令牌: [('This ',0)、(' is ',5)、(' an ',8)、(' URL ',11)]

例 3:WikiWord filter WikiWord 是由两个或两个以上以大写字母开头的单词组成的单词,一起运行。

# import the required modules
from enchant.tokenize import get_tokenizer
from enchant.tokenize import WikiWordFilter

# the text to be tokenized
text = "VersionFiveDotThree is an example of WikiWord"

# getting tokenizer class
tokenizer = get_tokenizer("en_US")

# printing tokens without filtering
print("Printing tokens without filtering:")
token_list = []
for words in tokenizer(text):

# getting tokenizer class with filter
tokenizer_filter = get_tokenizer("en_US", [WikiWordFilter])

# printing tokens after filtering
print("\nPrinting tokens after filtering:")
token_list_filter = []
for words in tokenizer_filter(text):


在不过滤的情况下打印令牌: [(' versionivedotthree ',0)、(' is ',20)、(' an ',23)、(' example ',26)、(' of ',34)、(' WikiWord ',37)]

过滤后打印令牌: [('is ',20)、(' an ',23)、(' example ',26)、(' of ',34)]