Python |获取实时货币汇率

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-get-the-time-currency-汇率/

Python 是一种非常通用的编程语言。几乎每种主流技术都在使用 Python,人们可以用它开发任何应用程序。

让我们看一个 Python 程序来实时计算货币汇率。要使用这个服务,必须需要 API 键,可以从这里获取。您可以在这里从获得货币代码列表。

我们将使用 CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE API ,它可以返回任何一对数字货币(如比特币)或实物货币(如美元)的实时汇率。




# Python program to get the real-time
# currency exchange rate

# Function to get real time currency exchange 
def RealTimeCurrencyExchangeRate(from_currency, to_currency, api_key) :

    # importing required libraries
    import requests, json

    # base_url variable store base url 
    base_url = r" = CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_RATE"

    # main_url variable store complete url
    main_url = base_url + "&from_currency =" + from_currency + 
               "&to_currency =" + to_currency + "&apikey =" + api_key

    # get method of requests module 
    # return response object 
    req_ob = requests.get(main_url)

    # json method return json format
    # data into python dictionary data type.

    # result contains list of nested dictionaries
    result = req_ob.json()

    print(" Result before parsing the json data :\n", result)

    print("\n After parsing : \n Realtime Currency Exchange Rate for",
          result["Realtime Currency Exchange Rate"]
                ["2\. From_Currency Name"], "TO",
          result["Realtime Currency Exchange Rate"]
                ["4\. To_Currency Name"], "is",
          result["Realtime Currency Exchange Rate"]
                ['5\. Exchange Rate'], to_currency)

# Driver code
if __name__ == "__main__" :

    # currency code
    from_currency = "USD"
    to_currency = "INR"

    # enter your api key here 
    api_key = "Your_Api_Key"

    # function calling
    RealTimeCurrencyExchangeRate(from_currency, to_currency, api_key)


解析 json 数据前的结果: {“实时货币汇率”:{“1。From_Currency Code': 'USD ',' 2。From_Currency Name ':'美元',' 3。To_Currency Code': 'INR ',' 4。To_Currency Name ':'印度卢比',' 5。汇率:' 71.51500000 ',' 6。上次刷新时间:' ' 2018-12-13 17:40:36 ',' 7。时区':' UTC'}}

解析后: 美元对印度卢比的实时货币汇率为 71.51500000 印度卢比