
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-filter-tuples-with-strings-specific-characters/


输入 : test_list = [('gfg ',' best '),(' gfg ',' good '),(' fest ',' gfg')],char_str = 'gfestb' 输出 : [('gfg ',' best '),(' fest ',' gfg')] 解释:所有元组都包含 char_str 的字符。

输入 : test_list = [('gfg ',' best '),(' gfg ',' good '),(' fest ',' gfg')],char_str = 'gfstb' 输出 : [] 解释:没有给定字符的元组。


在本文中,我们检查字符串中的字符,使用 In 运算符和 all()来检查元组中的所有元素是否都有由某些字符组成的字符串。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Filter Tuples with Strings of specific characters
# Using all() + list comprehension

# initializing lists
test_list = [('gfg', 'best'), ('gfg', 'good'), ('fest', 'gfg')]

# printing original lists
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# initializing char_str
char_str = 'gfestb'

# nested all(), to check for all characters in list, 
# and for all strings in tuples
res = [sub for sub in test_list if all(
    all(el in char_str for el in ele) for ele in sub)]

# printing result
print("The filtered tuples : " + str(res))


原始列表为:[('gfg ',' best '),(' gfg ',' good '),(' fest ',' gfg')] 过滤后的元组:[('gfg ',' best '),(' fest ',' gfg')]

方法 2:使用 滤镜() + lambda + all()

与上述方法类似,使用差值为 filter() + lambda 来执行过滤任务。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Filter Tuples with Strings of specific characters
# Using filter() + lambda + all()

# initializing lists
test_list = [('gfg', 'best'), ('gfg', 'good'), ('fest', 'gfg')]

# printing original lists
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# initializing char_str
char_str = 'gfestb'

# nested all(), to check for all characters in list, 
# and for all strings in tuples filter() is used 
# to extract tuples
res = list(filter(lambda sub: all(all(el in char_str for el in ele)
                                  for ele in sub), test_list))

# printing result
print("The filtered tuples : " + str(res))


原始列表为:[('gfg ',' best '),(' gfg ',' good '),(' fest ',' gfg')] 过滤后的元组:[('gfg ',' best '),(' fest ',' gfg ')