Python |从列表中查找重叠元组

原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-find-重叠-元组-from-list/


方法#1:使用循环 在该方法中,我们使用条件语句提取具有重叠的对,并将合适的匹配附加到列表保存记录中。

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Find overlapping tuples from list
# using loop 

# initialize list
test_list = [(4, 6), (3, 7), (7, 10), (5, 6)]

# initialize test tuple 
test_tup = (1, 5)

# printing original list
print("The original list : " + str(test_list))

# Find overlapping tuples from list
# using loop 
res = []
for tup in test_list:
    if(tup[1]>= test_tup[0] and tup[0]<= test_tup[1]):

# printing result
print("The tuple elements that overlap the argument tuple is : "
                                                     + str(res))

Output :

原列表:[(4,6),(3,7),(7,10),(5,6)] 与自变量元组重叠的元组元素为:[(4,6),(3,7),(5,6)]