
原文:https://www . geesforgeks . org/python-extract-带偶数长度字符串的行/


输入:test _ list =【【“gfg”、“is”、“best”】、【“best”、“good”、“geek”】、【“is”、“better”】、【“for”、“cs”】】 输出:【【‘best’、‘good’、‘geek’】、【‘is’、‘better’】】 解释:所有字符串长度均为偶数。 输入:test _ list =[[“gfg”、“is”、“best”]、[“best”、“good”、“geeks”]、[“is”、“better”]、[“for”、“cs”] 输出:[“is”、“better”] 解释:所有字符串长度均为偶数。

方法一:使用 all() +列表理解+ len()


Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Extract rows with Even length strings
# Using all() + list comprehension + len()

# initializing list
test_list = [["gfg", "is", "best"], ["best", "good", "geek"], ["is", "better"], ["for", "cs"]]

# printing original list
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# checking for all elements in row
res = [row for row in test_list if all(len(ele) % 2 == 0 for ele in row)]

# printing result 
print("Rows with even length : " + str(res))


原列表为:[['gfg ',' is ',' best'],['best ',' good ',' geek'],['is ',' better'],['for ',' cs']] 偶数长度的行:['best ',' good ',' geek'],['is ',' better']]

方法 2:使用滤镜()+λ+len()

在这种情况下,我们使用 filter() + lambda,len()执行过滤任务,就像上面的方法一样,执行获取每个字符串长度的任务。

Python 3

# Python3 code to demonstrate working of 
# Extract rows with Even length strings
# Using filter() + lambda + len()

# initializing list
test_list = [["gfg", "is", "best"], ["best", "good", "geek"], ["is", "better"], ["for", "cs"]]

# printing original list
print("The original list is : " + str(test_list))

# checking for all elements in row
# filtering done using filter() and lambda 
res = list(filter(lambda row : all(len(ele) % 2 == 0 for ele in row), test_list))

# printing result 
print("Rows with even length : " + str(res))


原列表为:[['gfg ',' is ',' best'],['best ',' good ',' geek'],['is ',' better'],['for ',' cs']] 偶数长度的行:['best ',' good ',' geek'],['is ',' better']]